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  • Highly Recommended

    I have had my racehorses on Mega Build for about 6 months now. They look fantastic, their recovery is definitely improved and I have even been able to reduce the amount of hard feed they get. I would highly recommend it to anyone with a performance horse.John MacMillan (MacMillan Racing)

  • All I can say is WOW

    Highly recommend Mega Build. My horse was struggling through the winter on the low grade hay that was available no matter what hard feed I gave him. He then developed two foot abscesses one after the other which then caused muscle soreness due to the way he was walking to compensate . So I tried Mega Build after seeing it advertised on Facebook . All I can say is WOW and so wished I had before pictures . He had no top line , pockets behind his shoulders . Saddle fit was an issue due to his huge change in shape . Two weeks on Mega Build and he has completely changed, heaps of muscle, his top line is back to what it was . He feels completely different under saddle and the best thing is my hard feeds have been cut down to a third of what I was feeding. Sharon Kaminski-Ellis

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Mega Build

I have recently started this immature, lean type of filly on Mega Build.
The changes I am seeing in her muscle bulk and general body condition already are fantastic. I've made no changes to her diet apart from adding Mega Build morning and night. She was my trial horse for the product and I will be putting them all on it now”  Belinda O'Loughlin (Racehorse Trainer)

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Mega Build

This horse arrived in 'paddock condition' about 3 months ago. Despite being a good eater, he just wasn't really gaining condition. A friend put me onto MEGA BUILD and within a fortnight I could see a positive difference. He is now partway though his second bag and LOOK AT HIM!! We will now start him on Compete. Dagmar

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